Some Notes on Event Cinema

Event Cinema notes

These are some of my own thoughts on film. I’m synthesizing some ideas and taking some rough notes here. If you have any insight let me know.

There have been shifts in experiences. Theater and opera were high brow arts. Cinema was perceived as lower class enjoyment for the masses. Eventually, films became regarded as an equally valid art form.

Films have been a formally evaluated and recognized artform. TV is a cheaper, accessible at home entertainment option. It is initially viewed as low brow before soon enough, prestige is bestowed upon it.

Premiere TV shows are now considered art forms, they are recognized for their aesthetic control and depiction of sequences. We are no longer limited to cinema. In light of this, cinema is more prestige than before. To go to the cinema and support cinema is akin to being a patron of the opera.

Now, streaming platforms have emerged into their own. Short films and things like intensive documentaries are uploaded to YouTube. Apps like Vine made way for things like TikTok.

Past Thoughts (tweets)

Films that tapped into “Event Cinema”

There are several films that do event cinema right. Here’s a sampling of the most successful ones.

  • Avatar
  • Top Gun Maverick
  • Avatar 2
  • Barbienheimer (Barbie and Oppenheimer)
  • Avengers franchise